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International Insights
Michael Weber

Foreign Account Filing Rules

The Internal Revenue Service may know more about those accounts than you think! Perhaps no area of potential tax abuse is more frustrating to Congress and the Internal Revenue Service

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International Insights
Michael Weber

Relinquishing Citizenship to Save Taxes?

A story authored by Richard Rubin of Bloomberg on May 7, 2015 and published in Accounting Today on Friday, May 8, 2015, illustrates the growing frustration among United States citizens

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Advisory Insights
Bob Grossman

IRS Changes Form 990 Audit Approach

With many, if not most, federally tax exempt organizations coming up on the end of their fiscal years at June 30, the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service has authorized

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Tax Insights
Bob Grossman

Income Tax and Social Security Benefits

One of the more surprising and frustrating elements of federal income taxation is the need for seniors, who have worked their entire lives paying into the Social Security system, to

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Tax Insights
Don Johnston

IRS Cracks Down on Identity Theft

There is perhaps, no bigger problem facing the users of technology, including the Internal Revenue Service, than identity theft. Identity theft places a burden on its victims and presents a

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