What Is It Like to Be a GYF Tax Intern?

After serving as a tax intern at GYF for only a month, I am already starting to see how it is an incredible opportunity to gain experience and learn from those around me. Within the first week as an intern, tax training began and it was surprising to see how in depth it was. The staff truly invested a lot of time and effort into showing the interns how each part of the tax return works and made sure we had a good understanding of the process. Even after training, the learning did not stop as I had the opportunity to begin working on a variety of both business and individual returns. Each time I worked on a return, I would continue to learn new things that helped me progress through other returns. Although the work is challenging at times, the staff have always been super helpful and open to taking time to answer any questions I have. Additionally, I have had opportunities to shadow the staff and work on other projects, which were also great learning experiences.

At GYF, students get real public accounting experience during their internships.

In addition to the experience I gained throughout my first month at GYF, the internship has also been an opportunity to meet and connect with all of the staff and other interns. Building these professional relationships happens not only at the office, but also at fun events like hanging out at the Five Iron golf simulator or going to the Pirates game together. As an intern, I can see first-hand what makes the people at GYF so great to work with and learn from. All professionals stand by a set of standards they call the “GYF Way.” Getting to learn about these values and see how they are visible through the actions of the staff each day is an important part of the experience. Being an intern at GYF is all about learning from and connecting with other professionals, and I am looking forward to continuing building this knowledge and network as my internship progresses.

Picture of Joseph Cibula

Joseph Cibula

Joe is a senior studying Accounting and Finance at the University of Pittsburgh. He plans to obtain his CPA credentials after he graduates. Joe is currently gaining real-world experience by serving as a 2023 Summer Intern in the GYF Tax Services Group.
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