Advice to Future Interns – Hit the Ground Running & Don’t Look Back!

Sarah Brasili
B.S., Financial Accounting – University of Pittsburgh
MAcc Student – Duquesne University

I can vividly remember my first day at Grossman Yanak and Ford LLP (GYF). That morning, as I sat in a parking garage close to the firm (40 minutes prior to my start time!), I felt a mixture of emotions. I was anxious – as one could tell by my early arrival!  I was excited to learn and eager to take advantage of every opportunity I would be given. I was worried and intimidated – What if I did not have enough background knowledge?  What if I constantly made mistakes?  What if I didn’t like auditing?
If only I could go back and tell myself everything I know now…

I knew as soon as I had my interview, that this company was different. The interviewers at GYF went above and beyond asking the typical experience and skill level questions. They were interested in getting to know not only who I was as an employee, but also who I was as a person outside of the office. Throughout my first day in the office, everyone welcomed me as a member of their team. It was made evident that we, as interns, would not be running around doing mindless tasks to fill the time, but rather we would be performing the same work the firm gives their first year staff members. It did not take long to tell that I made an amazing decision in taking this opportunity.

As the fall semester quickly approaches, I can’t believe how quickly this summer went.
Time truly flies when you are having fun!

During my internship at GYF, not only was I able to work in the Assurance & Advisory Services Group, but I also had the chance to work with the Business Valuation team and assist with Marketing and Business Development. GYF’s collaborative spirit is evident throughout the firm, and everyone in every department was eager to teach me about their worlds. The combination of all of these experiences has helped me gain an understanding of my chosen profession from various perspectives.

Some advice I would like to pass on to future interns based on my experience at GYF is to take initiative and be open to trying something new. Most people do not start something unfamiliar because they do not want to risk failure. Do not be most people! It is important to remember that any expert was once a beginner. You will make mistakes…it is inevitable. You name it, one of us (if not all of us), has made the same mistake. Hold yourself accountable, but you cannot let those mistakes define you. With whatever you do or wherever you go, be fully committed. Be actively listening and engaging. Be flexible and willing to do anything that comes your way. You never know what you will learn and what opportunities lie ahead.

I am honored to have been given this opportunity – a chance to learn through relevant, hands-on engagements. I am grateful to everyone at GYF for taking the time to teach and support me, as they have impacted me greatly. I am thankful for all of the challenges that came my way, because without them I may have never stumbled across my strengths as an accountant.

I can list numerous reasons why one should consider interning at GYF, but I do not think anything is more pertinent than being a part of something bigger than yourself. The work is relevant and can be challenging, yet rewarding. The clients are passionate. The employees are inspiring and care about you, both as a coworker and as a person. GYF professionals are driven, dedicated, and ambitious. There is not a single doubt in my mind that this internship will have a significant impact on my career.

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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by six partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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