A Glimpse into Public Accounting

Brittany Byer
Accounting – Grove City College

My internship experience at Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP completely exceeded my expectations. I remember the first day of my internship and how nervous I was as I sat on the “T” waiting to arrive downtown. Throughout that day, my nerves began to settle as many employees stopped by to welcome all of the interns. By the end of my first week of training, I felt much more comfortable and was eager to get started with auditing.

Throughout the summer, I learned so much more than I ever imagined. Most importantly, I was able to experience the daily life of an auditor. At GYF, the interns perform the work of a first year staff member. I really enjoyed being placed directly into the field, giving me an opportunity to be a part of engagement teams and meet clients.

I was able to work in a small group with a variety of GYF employees.
This was extremely beneficial because I worked directly with professionals
who would teach me the processes and be available to answer any questions.

At first, it was difficult to transition from the classroom to the business world. When I performed new testwork, it took me a while to figure it out. However, after completing a process once, I found that it was a lot easier to understand it the second time. Week by week, my knowledge continued to build and, eventually, I was able to make connections and gain a better understanding of the work that I was performing.

One thing that surprised me was the amount of flexibility that an auditor must have. I often worked with different clients, at different locations, and had to keep up with all of the changes. Fortunately, I really enjoyed having variety in my schedule.

My favorite thing about GYF is most definitely the people, as they make the place special! All of the employees that I interacted with were so kind, helpful, and encouraging. I always felt comfortable with asking them questions. The employees at GYF have a lot of experience and, therefore, so much to share.

I believe that an internship in public accounting is a critical part of developing a career as an aspiring CPA. It is important to evaluate your internship in order to discover your interests, preferences, and dislikes. This summer, I received a real-world experience and a glimpse into the world of public accounting, gaining an abundance of valuable knowledge that will be useful as I move forward with my career.

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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by seven partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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