An Opportunity for Technical and Professional Growth

Erin Greer
Accounting & Finance – Grove City College

The first time I heard of GYF was at my college’s career fair during my freshman year. The moment I walked up to GYF’s booth I was met by a wave of enthusiasm. Not only is GYF excited about the services they provide and the clients they serve, but they are also excited about telling college students about the world of public accounting.

Although I was only a freshman, the people I met at the GYF booth were so excited to tell me about the steps I could take to get an internship opportunity during my college career. Their enthusiasm was not limited to that one experience. GYF has shown that same enthusiasm in many other ways over this summer. Throughout the summer, many employees would stop me and ask, “How is your internship going?” and, “Are you enjoying it so far?”

GYF wants their interns to succeed and strives to give them the best experience possible.

I have had countless opportunities to learn how an audit engagement works and have even had the chance to perform work for clients. During my internship, all the professionals I worked with attentively answered my questions and gave me guidance wherever needed. They understood that I was starting to learn the audit process and enthusiastically gave me tips and pointers along the way. Conversations and status updates I had with GYF staff almost always ended with them saying, “If you have any questions, please let me know.” Learning how to complete an audit was challenging at first, especially since I had not taken an audit class in college yet. However, GYF’s willingness to answer questions and guide me was so appreciated as I learned how to complete the tasks given to me.

GYF rightly prides themselves with the excellence they provide to their clients. Further, they excel in the way they interact with clients, coworkers, and others. During this summer, GYF has challenged me to grow professionally. This internship has allowed me to develop my professional self and develop a deeper understanding of what it means to have a full-time job and work in a client-driven atmosphere. I have encountered many situations that have pushed me out of my comfort zone, but each time the professionals at GYF have been so willing to help me along and give me advice on how to navigate the complex business world.

From the beginning of my college career I have been told that is is critically important for a college student to have an internship before he or she graduates. When I heard that statement, I thought an internship was only a way that students could experience their fields of study in a real-world setting. While this is undoubtedly true, I quickly learned that an internship involves so much more. For me, an internship at GYF was not only a way to experience the technical aspects of public accounting, but also an opportunity for personal and professional growth. And for that, I am truly thankful.

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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by six partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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