Public Accounting through a Different Lens

Alexis Winkles
Accounting – Duquesne University

As the end of summer 2018 was in sight and my summer internship was approaching the end, I knew I was going to miss working with the genuine and dedicated people at GYF. However, it turned out that my internship was not going to end – in fact it was only the start of my journey at GYF.  I was honored to have the opportunity to intern part-time throughout my junior year and come back to intern full-time this summer. Fast forward to my first day of my summer 2019 internship, and the nerves I experienced on my first day last year were no longer there.

I was excited for all of the new experiences and knowledge I would gain this summer. 

I returned to the ERP Solutions Group for the first half of the summer, where I was able to rapidly expand my knowledge and skills as the department continued to grow. In July, it was time for me to transition into auditing.  I was filled with a mix of emotions.  Initially, I was nervous and a bit sad to leave a department where I had developed such a connection with both the work and the people.  But, I was eager to get a new experience in a different department. As I worked my way through multiple 401(k) plan and non-profit audits, I became more comfortable with the work I was doing and my ability to understand the reasoning behind the work as well.

Although I thoroughly enjoyed the work I was doing in both departments, what truly made my internship impactful were the people I worked alongside with. From the partners to the newly hired staff, and everyone in between, there was not a single person who would not stop to say hello and to see how my internship was going thus far.  This gesture, although relatively simple, illustrates the type of individuals who work for GYF.

I would describe GYF as a firm that is people-focused. The relationships that the employees have with one another and the relationships the firm has with their clients exemplifies the passion the firm operates on.  GYF is a firm where you are encouraged to be challenged, and I believe this plays a significant role in the firm’s success.

My biggest advice from my time at GYF is to absorb as much as you can and challenge yourself far beyond a point you ever thought you were capable of achieving. GYF is a place where both professional and personal growth is a prime focus, and it is vital for one to take full advantage of the opportunities that are offered by the firm. My internship at GYF truly provided me with a whole new viewpoint on public accounting.

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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by six partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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