CFOs Are Still Buried in Spreadsheets

In NetSuite Brainyard’s recent white paper, “State of the CFO Role,” 186 CFOs respondents said they spend an average of 2.25 hours in spreadsheets every day. That’s more time in spreadsheets than any other software in their toolkits.

In some ways, that’s never going to change. CFOs  love the ability to export and manipulate data with the wide-ranging flexibility of spreadsheets. However, many of the uses for spreadsheets can be eliminated with more robust accounting and ERP solutions. Read this NetSuite blog post to learn more about Netsuite’s ERP solution.

Contact the GYF ERP Solutions Group to learn how NetSuite ERP solutions can help your business with this transition and other accounting challenges.
Picture of Angie McCoy

Angie McCoy

Angie, who has over 20 years of professional experience, is a Senior Manager in the GYF ERP Solutions Group. Her ability to interpret a wide range of complex business processes, along with her extensive knowledge of ERP/Financials is the winning combination needed to provide exceptional insight into improving clients’ business processes and software-driven workflow requirements.
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