How-to Video: Making Online Tax Payments for PA with MyPATH

The Pennsylvania Department of Revenue (DOR) instituted a new rule for 2022 – all tax payments $15,000+ must be made online. This new process may be confusing for some taxpayers.

GYF Tax Manager Dan Oberst spends a few minutes in this video reviewing how to make your payment on the myPATH website.

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If you need further assistance to make an online payment or with any other individual tax issue, contact Dan at [email protected] or call at 412-338-9300.

Picture of Dan Oberst

Dan Oberst

Dan has 10 years of tax experience. He specializes in providing tax compliance and research services to individual and business clients, primarily in the manufacturing and service industries. Dan also engages in special project work, providing fixed asset analysis and handling various state tax issues.
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