FBAR Automatic Extension

As part of the Surface Transportation and Veterans Health Care Choice Improvement Act of 2015, the new annual due date for filing the Reports of Foreign Bank and Financial Accounts (FBAR) is April 15, to coincide with the Federal income tax filing season. However, for calendar year 2016, the filing date is April 18, 2017, which is consistent with the Federal income tax due date.

Recently, the United States Department of Treasury announced that those filers who miss the April 15th deadline will be granted an automatic extension to October 15th each year.  There is no requirement to request an extension.

Visit the U.S. Treasury FinCEN website for more information.

Contact Michael Weber at 412-338-9300 if you need assistance with FBARs or other international tax issues.

Picture of Michael Weber

Michael Weber

As both an accountant and an attorney, Michael provides valuable expertise to the clients he serves in a variety of industries. He specializes in providing tax planning and compliance services as well as assistance related to the formation of new entities. Michael also helps corporate and individual clients to address international tax issues.
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