Opened My Eyes to the Realities of Accounting

Elizabeth Scherer
Accounting and Finance – Grove City College

My summer internship at Grossman Yanak and Ford, LLP (GYF) has been full of positive experiences that have opened my eyes to the realities of the accounting profession. In just a short period of time, I have gained valuable knowledge about the auditing field and developed skills that will help me later in my career, no matter where my future leads me.

Admittedly, I struggled at first to adjust – commuting to the office, performing an 8-hour work day, and working in a city environment were all relatively new to me. However, I soon felt more at ease as I got experience under my belt. I became more comfortable with adapting to client schedules, communicating professionally, and simply being a part of an audit team. 

With more experience comes more opportunities for you to grow in your knowledge,
and I believe that is what has set my internship a part from others.  

GYF gives their interns the same responsibilities as a first-year staff member. Therefore, my summer has not been filled with the stereotypical tasks delegated to interns like getting coffee and lunch, but, rather, I had the opportunity to dive into an engagement, perform test work, and interact with clients.

To the future interns of GYF, my advice for you is to come in with an open mind. Though the underlying principles are the same as what you learn in your college classes, the internship itself is vastly different than your school work. You will have to learn new processes and techniques for each task. Be willing to try new things. Ask questions. Absorb everything that comes your way. Be patient with yourself – it takes time and repetition to pick up a skill.

GYF’s welcoming environment has been an ideal place for me to learn and grow in my young professional career. It may be cliché, but it is truly the people here that make the make the firm so special. I cannot thank my GYF colleagues enough for helping me gain a better grasp of the auditing profession. Thank you for everything!

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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by six partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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