GYF Supports Accounting Students at Duquesne University

Jeff Ford, GYF founding partner, Duquesne University graduate and long-standing member of the Palumbo-Donohue School of Business Accounting Advisory Council, helped to establish a fellowship at the school to motivate high-achieving undergraduate students who might not pursue a graduate degree to apply to the MAcc program. Read this article to learn more about the new fellowship. Visit our Student Opportunities and Current Positions pages to learn more about pursuing an accounting career at GYF.

In photo above, GYF professionals and Duquesne MAcc graduates reconnect with their professors at our firm’s annual CPE Day. Pictured: Robert Kollar, Katie Bond, Ange Costanzo, Morgan Cuddyre, Sarah Komar and Val Trott Williams


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GYF News

Grossman Yanak & Ford LLP, a certified public accounting and consulting firm, was founded in 1990. The firm is led by six partners and serves clients in Pittsburgh and the surrounding region.
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